Started playing Spider-Man: Web of Shadows. I had high hopes for this game, it looked like it had a somewhat interesting story. Truth is, if you've played any Spider-Man game since the Spider-Man 2 movie game, you've basically played this one. On top of that, spidey has the WORST voice over I have ever heard for the character. You just want to punch him in the face whenever he opens his mouth. This is particularly hard for me since Spider-Man is my favorite comic book character and to see him brought down to the level of a whinner just hurts. And on top of that, I've been playing for a few hours now and there is hardly anything about the whole symbiote invasion that the story is supposed to be centered around. I'm guessing it's just thrown in at some point. We'll see how it goes, i'm not that far into it yet, it might get better.
Now to talk about a good comic book video game, Marvel Ultimate Alliance. This game has been as my next game to grind for the full 1250 gamerscore. It's going to take a while, so be patient. Keep an eye out for the achievements, they'll be popping up on this blog every once and a while.
50 Hit Combo - Spider Silk - 10G - 50 Hit Combo "Spider Silk" executed
Ground Combo Skill - 15G - 50 Enemies defeated using only Ground Combos
Air Combo Skill - 15G - 50 Enemies defeated using only Air Combos These combos are easier then they sound. As long as you keep hitting something, the combo keep going and you have a lot of time available between hits.
Complet Story, Act One- 50G - Act One completed
Defeat Venom, Round One - 15G - Defeated Venom once
Bad Kitty - 15G - Black Cat defeated
Winged - 15G - Vulture defeated These last few were all story related achievements you get for either beating a boss or an act in the story
Defeat 100 Enemies - 20G - 100 Enemies defeated There's low life scum everywhere to beat up, feels more like Detroit then New York
Great Power - 10G - 25 City Crimes thwartedApparently crime never sleeps either
First One Hundred - 15G - 100 Collectibles foundThere's these Spider-Man symbols all around town that are supposed to level up your speed, but I have yet to see any change
Bowling Ball - 5G - 5 Enemies Web Swing-Kicked in a single pass I want to go bowling again soon
Virtue - 5G - First Red Suit ChoiceAt certain points during the game you can choose to be good or bad. So far i've been good
Super-ego - 5G - Black Cat SpurnedAt one point Black Cat makes a very tempting offer, but being a good boyfriend I turned her down
The Bigger They Come... - 5G - First Tech Mech defeated
Eviction - 5G - Tech Mech Pilot pulled from his seat For some reason I never liked it when Spidey found robots, it just didn't feel right and kind of below him. Anyway at one point the story turns into some ridiculous thing with robots attacking a courthouse. I threw some cars at the Mechs, pulled the driver out and destroyed them.
Total this post: 205 G
New Gamerscore: 41 725 G
To go: 8 275 G