Complete Story, Act Two - 50G - Act Two complete

Defeat Symbiote Black Cat - 20G - Symbiote Black Cat defeated

Defeat Symbiote Electro - 20G - Symbiote Electro defeated

Complete Web of Shadows - 75G - Game Complete
All of these are story achievements. It's a cool idea to see what various marvel characters would look like in symbiote form, but it's just so badly done in this game.

Later on spidey gets a combo where you punch a guy really fast like 30 times, so it's fairly easy to get this after that

Ground combos, air combos, wall combos, I just keep punching guys to get this.

Trampoline - 25G - 20 Enemies Web-Strike Bounced in succession
Kind of fun bouncing from guy to guy, kind of....

No Sweat - 50G - 1000 Enemies defeated
Eventually there's a bunch of zombie symbiotes (don't ask) and they go down faster then a 2 dollar whore, so this achievement get easy.

One of the four possible endings. I thought I'd try to get them all, but then i played the game and yeah, I won't be doing that.
Total this post: 340 G
New Gamerscore: 42 170 G
To Go: 7 830 G
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