Anyway, off to the important stuff. I continued my quest to complete Prince of Persia. I now have all the powers so I can go anywhere and get all the Light Seeds. It should be fun (and occasionnally frustrating) to collect all of these. I also played some more Left 4 Dead 2, only have one campaign left to do.

In the game there are 4 non boss zombies that are different. I think one of them is the SWAT, Biohazard, Clown and Mudman. I ended by killing a mudman.

Aim for the head and chop away.

The only drawback is that the chainsaw uses gas, so it's limited

Thanks to homeslice for pointing this cheevo out to me!

I love the posters for each campaign, they're so awesome! The only cure is death!

Dodge the Warriors attacks 20 times in one fight. He's slow to it won't be too bad.
Death of a Warrior King - 20G - Congratulations, you have killed the Warrior
The Warrior is the easiest of the 4 bosses, you just have to keep pushing him into pits.
Light Seeds Locator - 10G - Congratulations, you have collected 400 Light Seeds
400 down, 600 to go!
Light Seeds Harvester - 10G - Congratulations, you have collected 500 Light Seeds
I'm halfway there!
Climbing to New Heights! - 10G - Congratulations, you have found the highest place in the world
The Alchemists final level is the higheset place in the world, so if you play the whole game you can't miss it.
Traitor' End - 20G - Congratulations, you have killed the Alchemist
See you in hell Alchemist!
Light Seeds Hoarder - 10G - Congratulations, you have collected 600 Light Seeds
Past the half way point.
Total this post: 185 G
New Gamerscore: 43 420 G
To Go: 6 580 G
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