Say it ain't so. Dead Rising is the series kept on disappointing. Each one I've tried has just left me feeling more and more empty each time. I heard that this one may or may not have a time limit, so I decided to give it a shot. I've only played for about an hour, but so far no time limit. The game is also more playable then the last 2 and seems more interesting. I've still got a lot more to try before forming a solid opinion. Here's hoping it goes well.
Local Hero - 5G - Stranded survivor saved
Friday, June 27, 2014
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Movie Reviews #7 - Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
Plot: (from A journalist uncovers an
underground group who can bring back the dead and slowly becomes drawn into
their world.
Review: We’re still doing this eh. Hellraiser 7. It
feels like every movie just takes a little bit more of my soul. Maybe this was
Pinhead’s plan all along. Anyway, I should get along with the actual reviewing.
this one Kari Wuhrer ends up getting sent to Romania to investigate a cult that
can resurrect people. Somehow this gets shoehorned back to Pinhead. At this
point there isn’t much more I can think to say about these movies. The first
half nothing really happens, and then in the second half things just get really
bizarre and confusing and then Pinhead shows up, monologues and the movie ends.
I feel like I’ve written this for the last few movies. I’m just going to plow
through the last 2 and hope they offer something better.
Score: 4/10
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Max is stronger then the Hulk
I tried to play Incredible Hulk, and then the game crashed. I attempted several times and I never made it to the main menu. So so much for that. In looking for something else, I decided to try the other free Xbone game of the month, Max : Curse of Brother. And you know what, it's not that bad. The graphics are surprisingly good and it's a fun different take on a platformer. It doesn't hurt that there is a lot of gamerscore :)
Ludicrous Speed - 50G - And just in time for tea! (Reached the old lady in under 5 minutes)
Lost and Found - 5G - You found the first piece of the lost Amulet
Just getting started - 15G - You used the magic marker 25 times
What Are You Looking At? - 5G - You destroyed the first 5 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. That'll teach him
Dominos - 10G - You made it safely past the Stone Pillars of Black Rock Canyon
For Whom the Bell Tolls - 15G - Time Marches On (Rang a bell)
Flipping boxes - 10G - Up you go
Guts and Glory - 25G - You made 5 critters explode and survived it. Your clothes might need a rinse though.
X-Men Arcade, the game I just can`t let go. I tried to play online, hoping to find 6 people to play. Unfortunately I only found 1 player. Nevertheless, I decided to try and get one last achievement, so I beat Magneto with every X-Men. Went quick, only needed to fight Magneto and not have to do the complete game.
Master of Magnet - 30G - You defeated Magneto with all 6 X-Men characters!
Ludicrous Speed - 50G - And just in time for tea! (Reached the old lady in under 5 minutes)
Lost and Found - 5G - You found the first piece of the lost Amulet
Just getting started - 15G - You used the magic marker 25 times
What Are You Looking At? - 5G - You destroyed the first 5 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. That'll teach him
Dominos - 10G - You made it safely past the Stone Pillars of Black Rock Canyon
For Whom the Bell Tolls - 15G - Time Marches On (Rang a bell)
Flipping boxes - 10G - Up you go
Guts and Glory - 25G - You made 5 critters explode and survived it. Your clothes might need a rinse though.
X-Men Arcade, the game I just can`t let go. I tried to play online, hoping to find 6 people to play. Unfortunately I only found 1 player. Nevertheless, I decided to try and get one last achievement, so I beat Magneto with every X-Men. Went quick, only needed to fight Magneto and not have to do the complete game.

Master of Magnet - 30G - You defeated Magneto with all 6 X-Men characters!
Monday, June 23, 2014
Why MP, why
Multiplayer has done it again, it`s killed my dreams. Turns out I can`t finish X-Men Arcade after all. I was hoping you could use 6 controllers on one console but it doesn`t seem to be the case. Yet another sort of finished games. Oh well such is life, forget about completion percentage.
Super Mutant - 10G - You took an energy pill
Got two easy Ryse achievements and mailed it back. Dead Rising 3 is coming in next, but i`m thinking i`ll play some Incredible Hulk. Don`t know why but I just want to start it up.
I Have A Story To Tell (Legendary) - 5G - Complete The Beginning On Legendary Difficulty
Bloody Centurion - 15G - Defeat 100 Enemies in Multiplayer
I know i`m really past due on reviews. Don`t worry, they`ll get done but right now I`m in the thick of finishing a school semester so it will have to wait a bit.
Super Mutant - 10G - You took an energy pill
Got two easy Ryse achievements and mailed it back. Dead Rising 3 is coming in next, but i`m thinking i`ll play some Incredible Hulk. Don`t know why but I just want to start it up.
I Have A Story To Tell (Legendary) - 5G - Complete The Beginning On Legendary Difficulty
Bloody Centurion - 15G - Defeat 100 Enemies in Multiplayer
I know i`m really past due on reviews. Don`t worry, they`ll get done but right now I`m in the thick of finishing a school semester so it will have to wait a bit.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Why is there a Y in Ryse?
So finally, starting posting Xbone achievements. So now I can post all the billion achievements I got in Ryse. So here we go, keep your pants on.
First Blood - 5G - Perform you first combat execution
To Protect and To Serve - 15G - Meet Nero
Give Cesar what is His - 10G - Purchase and Use an Upgrade in Combat
I Have a Story to Tell - 30G - Complete the Beginning on any Difficulty
Forever Lost - 15G - Find you Mother and Sister
Combing My Way Through - 20G - Defeat 10 Enemies in a Row without Sustaining any Damage
Time to Fly - 5G - Perform your First Environmental Execution
Roman Tourist - 10G - Collect Your First Vista
Letter from the Front - 10G - Collect One Scroll
Something I Found On The Way To The Forum - 10G - Collect One Chronicle
I Will Avenge You, Father - 30G - Complet S.P.Q.R. On Any Difficulty
There`s No Such Thing As Luck - 10G - Kill An Enemy By Perfectly Deflecting An Arrow
Head Executioner - 10G - Perform 100 Executions In Any Game Mode
Saving Private Marius - 30G - Complete Trial By Fire On Any Difficulty
Whos`s That Girl - 30G - Meet Boudica
Trouble In Sherwood Forest - 30G - Complete The King On Any Difficulty
Step Right This Way! - 10G - Use A Trap To Kill An Enemy
Coliseum Recruit - 20G - Complete Your First Multiplayer Campaign
The Bigger Thy Are... - 30G - Defeat Glott
Heart of Darkness - 30G - Complete Edge of The World On Any Difficulty
Medium Rare - 5G - Use An Execution To Set Fire To An Enemy
Inner Demons - 30G - Find Out What Really Happened To Your Parents
Siege Me If You Can - 30G - Complete Pax Romana On Any Difficulty
From The Dead - 30G - Become The Righteous Hand Of Vengeance
Never Give Up, Never Surrender - 30G - Defeat Commodus
Ave Cesar - 30G - Complete The Wrath Of Nemesis On Any Difficulty
Not My Type After All - 30G Defeat Boudica
My Empire Of Dirt - 50G - Complete The Game on Soldier Difficulty
Settling Old Debts - 30G - Complete The Son of Rome On Any Difficulty
Veni, Vidi, Vici - 50G - Complete The Game On Any Difficulty
Been There, Done That - 5G - Replay Any Single Player Level
God, that was a lot of cheevos, but I`m not complaining, Ryse has been very generous to me. I`ll take that over games that make you finish the whole game and only give you 42G (fuck you GoldenEye Reloaded). I might get back and do some more, time will tell. I also player Charlie Murder a bit. I don`t know if I`ll play it much more, a little weird for my liking.
I Brought Down A Giant - 10G - Defeat The Boss Monster
That`s all i`ve got for now, I need a nap. See you all soon. Yes, I know i`m late in my Hellraiser reviews. Don`t worry, i`ll catch up. Exam time now, things are a little slower but i`m not forgetting.
First Blood - 5G - Perform you first combat execution
To Protect and To Serve - 15G - Meet Nero
Give Cesar what is His - 10G - Purchase and Use an Upgrade in Combat
I Have a Story to Tell - 30G - Complete the Beginning on any Difficulty
Forever Lost - 15G - Find you Mother and Sister
Combing My Way Through - 20G - Defeat 10 Enemies in a Row without Sustaining any Damage
Time to Fly - 5G - Perform your First Environmental Execution
Roman Tourist - 10G - Collect Your First Vista
Letter from the Front - 10G - Collect One Scroll
Something I Found On The Way To The Forum - 10G - Collect One Chronicle
I Will Avenge You, Father - 30G - Complet S.P.Q.R. On Any Difficulty
There`s No Such Thing As Luck - 10G - Kill An Enemy By Perfectly Deflecting An Arrow
Head Executioner - 10G - Perform 100 Executions In Any Game Mode
Saving Private Marius - 30G - Complete Trial By Fire On Any Difficulty
Whos`s That Girl - 30G - Meet Boudica
Trouble In Sherwood Forest - 30G - Complete The King On Any Difficulty
Step Right This Way! - 10G - Use A Trap To Kill An Enemy
Coliseum Recruit - 20G - Complete Your First Multiplayer Campaign
The Bigger Thy Are... - 30G - Defeat Glott
Heart of Darkness - 30G - Complete Edge of The World On Any Difficulty
Medium Rare - 5G - Use An Execution To Set Fire To An Enemy
Inner Demons - 30G - Find Out What Really Happened To Your Parents
Siege Me If You Can - 30G - Complete Pax Romana On Any Difficulty
From The Dead - 30G - Become The Righteous Hand Of Vengeance
Never Give Up, Never Surrender - 30G - Defeat Commodus
Ave Cesar - 30G - Complete The Wrath Of Nemesis On Any Difficulty
Not My Type After All - 30G Defeat Boudica
My Empire Of Dirt - 50G - Complete The Game on Soldier Difficulty
Settling Old Debts - 30G - Complete The Son of Rome On Any Difficulty
Veni, Vidi, Vici - 50G - Complete The Game On Any Difficulty
Been There, Done That - 5G - Replay Any Single Player Level
God, that was a lot of cheevos, but I`m not complaining, Ryse has been very generous to me. I`ll take that over games that make you finish the whole game and only give you 42G (fuck you GoldenEye Reloaded). I might get back and do some more, time will tell. I also player Charlie Murder a bit. I don`t know if I`ll play it much more, a little weird for my liking.
I Brought Down A Giant - 10G - Defeat The Boss Monster
That`s all i`ve got for now, I need a nap. See you all soon. Yes, I know i`m late in my Hellraiser reviews. Don`t worry, i`ll catch up. Exam time now, things are a little slower but i`m not forgetting.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Welcome to die!!!
In keeping with what this blog is actually meant to do, we're going back to achievement updates god dammit!!! And now that I have an Xbox One, there are even more achievements to get.
I've decided to make a run at completing X-Men Arcade. It's not all that hard but it has some stupid multiplayer achievements so I'll have to bug a friend and borrow his controllers or something.
But until then I'll work on the easier ones. Tonight I completed the game on Expert and in under 25 minutes, netting 2 cheevos and 50 G.
X-pertise - 25G - You completed the game on expert difficulty
Bamf - 25G - You completed the game in 25 minutes or less
Feels good to be back, hope to see you guys here often.
I've decided to make a run at completing X-Men Arcade. It's not all that hard but it has some stupid multiplayer achievements so I'll have to bug a friend and borrow his controllers or something.
But until then I'll work on the easier ones. Tonight I completed the game on Expert and in under 25 minutes, netting 2 cheevos and 50 G.
X-pertise - 25G - You completed the game on expert difficulty
Bamf - 25G - You completed the game in 25 minutes or less
Feels good to be back, hope to see you guys here often.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
June 2014 Review Schedule - Finishing Hellraiser Month
So in order to hold myself more accountable to a strict schedule, i'll be posting a monthly schedule of which reviews will be going up in order to give my readers (any of them out there?) something to look forward to. The theme of this month is I'm tired of Hellraiser so I'm finishing them up. As of today there are only 3 left. Here's the plan;
June 15 Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
June 22 Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
June 29 Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)
June 15 Hellraiser: Deader (2005)
June 22 Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005)
June 29 Hellraiser: Revelations (2011)
Movie Reviews #6 - Hellraiser: Hellseeker (2002)
Plot: (from A
shady businessman attempts to piece together the details of the car crash that
killed his wife and rendered him an amnesiac-- and left him in possession of a
sinister puzzle box that summons monsters.
Review: Once again, we’re back in the world of this
could be called anything but Hellraiser. The story is in no way about Pinhead
or the Cenobites but they do show up. We do however get the return of Ashley
Lawrence, who was the lead in the first 2 films. Similar to part 5, a shady
character is having strange visions happen to him after getting the infamous
box. It blurs the line between reality and hallucinations and as you go it
becomes more intense.
before there isn’t a whole lot you can say about the movie. The performances
work, no one is terrible nor are they amazing. The gory scenes don’t happen all
that frequently. You’ll get a disturbing vision and then it will suddenly end. In
the end though everything is explained and wrapped up conveniently.
one was probably a little better then part 5 but it didn’t blow me away. It
just feels like someone took a horror script and added a couple of
Hellraiser elements to shoehorn it into
to the series.
Score: 5.5/10
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Movie Reviews #5 - Hellraiser : Inferno (2000)
Plot: (from A shady police detective becomes
embroiled in a strange world of murder, sadism and madness after being assigned
a murder investigation against a madman known only as "The Engineer".
Review: This is where Hellraiser becomes a completely
different series. The story now for the most part could be totally unrelated to
the Hellraiser series. Pinhead just kind of feels shoehorned in. In a sense it
helps a bit because it allows the writer more creative freedom but at the same
time it seems like it's only called Hellraiser because it would make more money
then if it were called something else.
story follows a dirty cop who comes into contact with the infamous box and then
his whole life gets messed up. There’s not much that can be said without
spoiling it. It’s an ok story, but you can kind of see the twist coming.
Honestly, not much to review here. Not horrible but could be more engaging.
Score : 5/10
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