Ludicrous Speed - 50G - And just in time for tea! (Reached the old lady in under 5 minutes)
Lost and Found - 5G - You found the first piece of the lost Amulet
Just getting started - 15G - You used the magic marker 25 times
What Are You Looking At? - 5G - You destroyed the first 5 of Mustacho's Evil Eyes. That'll teach him
Dominos - 10G - You made it safely past the Stone Pillars of Black Rock Canyon
For Whom the Bell Tolls - 15G - Time Marches On (Rang a bell)
Flipping boxes - 10G - Up you go
Guts and Glory - 25G - You made 5 critters explode and survived it. Your clothes might need a rinse though.
X-Men Arcade, the game I just can`t let go. I tried to play online, hoping to find 6 people to play. Unfortunately I only found 1 player. Nevertheless, I decided to try and get one last achievement, so I beat Magneto with every X-Men. Went quick, only needed to fight Magneto and not have to do the complete game.

Master of Magnet - 30G - You defeated Magneto with all 6 X-Men characters!
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