Halo : Master Chief Collection
Arrival - 5G - Halo CE : Activate Terminal 1 on The Pillar of Autumn
Pillar of Autumn - 10G - Halo CE: Complete The Pillar of Autumn
Didn't Like This Ship Anyways - 10G - Beat the par time on The Pillar of Autumn
Skulltaker Halo: CE: Boom - 5G - Halo CE: Find and claim the Boom skull in remastered mode.
Sacrifice - 5G - Halo CE: Activate Terminal 2 on Halo
Balaho's Most Wanted - 5G - Kill 100 grunts
Halo - 10G - Halo CE: Complete Halo
Splinters - 5G - Halo CE: Activate Terminal 3 on The Truth and Reconciliation
Truth and Reconciliation - 10G - Halo CE: Complete The Truth and Reconciliation
Close Quarters Combat - 10G - Halo CE: Complete The Truth and Reconciliation with at least four rounds left in your Sniper Rifle
You Are The Weapon - 5G - Halo CE: Kill a Hunter with one pistol round
Idle Hands - 5G - Halo CE: Activate Terminal 4 on The Silent Cartographer
Skulltaker Halo: CE Famine - 5G - Halo CE: Find and claim the Famine skull in remastered mode
The Silent Cartographer - 10G - Halo CE: Complete The Silent Cartographer
Spoilsport - 5G - Kill 100 Jackals
Hitchikers May Be Escaping Convicts - 5G - Halo CE: Activate Terminal 5 on Assault on the Control Room
Assault on the Control Room - 10G - Halo CE: Complete Assault on the Control Room
Get Me Out of Here! - 5G - Halo CE: Ride in a Pelican for several seconds on the level 343 Guilty Spark
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
Out of the Frying Pan - 20G - Freed from your cuffs, but...
Adventures in Babysitting - 20G - Escaped from Sandra and met Clementine
In Your Charge - 20G - Found help and are now responsible for a little girl
Rock and a Hard Place - 20G - Choose between two sons
It's Just One Bullet - 20G - Met a girl at the end of her rope
Lego Batman 2
Chemical Crisis - 25G - Complete story level 5

Chemical Signature - 25G - Complete story level 6

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