Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday Night Ramblings - August 19 2015 - Why do I do this?

                As you may have noticed, there was no Wednesday Night Rambling last week. Truth is, I wasn’t feeling it that week. Rather than writing a crappy, half assed article, I felt it was better to not write one. 

                Without further ado, here’s the article 2 weeks in the making. Lately I’ve been asking myself, why do I do this? Why do I spend all this time every week writing this blog that quite frankly nobody reads? I’ve had a bit of an existential crisis, to the point where I was thinking maybe I should just drop the whole thing. But to do that would be depriving myself of something that could be very beneficial.

                When I started this initially over 5 years ago, it was just to start listing the achievements I’ve gained. I felt it was a good way to start talking about videogames and get some of my ideas out there. At the time, I was off school and working a part time job, so achievements were a big part of my life. As the years have gone by, achievements have still been important to me but they are not the main focus of everything that I do. I would love to spend more time adding to my Gamerscore, but there are just too many other responsibilities to deal with that I simply do not have the time do it. 

                There was a large gap, about 2 years, where I basically did not post anything on this blog. I lost interest and felt that what I was writing about did not matter. But then I thought to start adding reviews, which reinvigorated me. I could get my opinion out for various things like movies, TV and books. And in the last couple of months I’ve added the Wednesday Night Ramblings, where everything flies including the kitchen sink.

                The real reason I do this is that it gives me an outlet to talk about whatever I want. In real life, you have to deal with the fact that most people do not care about what you have to say. I’m not trying to be depressing or negative but it’s just the simple truth. Sometimes you get lucky and someone you know has a similar interest as you but that doesn’t work with everything. Nobody gives a shit when I talk about wrestling, for example, and it can get very lonely when you are the only person who follows something. I could always go on forums or other websites, but I’m not good at making friends online, it’s just a skill I don’t have. That is what this blog gives me. It’s somewhere I can talk about what’s on my mind, judgement free. And even though there may be nobody reading it, I feel like it is still an outlet about how I feel. So if there is anyone out there reading this, I thank you for your time and hope you find something that piques your interest. 

Batman: Arkham Knight

Blind Love - 10G - Destroy the third weapons cache in Gotham City

The Real Deal - 5G - Takedown 20 moving cars without using the Batmobile

Practice Run - 10G - Destroy the fourth weapons cache in Gotham City

Touch of Death - 20G - Apprehend the weapons dealer and lock him up in GCPD

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