Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Wednesday Night Ramblings - January 13 2016 - Let's go Cena or Cena sucks?

             John Cena has been a staple of WWE television for well over a decade. In that time many wrestling fans have turned on Cena, whilst others have stayed on his side. This created the “Let’s go Cena, Cena sucks” chants you hear all the time. To each their own opinion, but where do I figure Cena to be?

                John Cena is a 12 time WWE champion. Therein lies part of the problem. Modern audiences do not like always seeing the same people on top. This isn’t the old days where Bruno Sammartino stayed champion for 7 straight years. The smart wrestling fan of wants to see a lot of people they deem better on top. A lot of people seem to think Cena only has 5 moves, which is preposterous. Of the all time greats such as Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock, none of them comes even close to what Cena can do in the ring. Historically, Cena is the best face of the company wrestler of all time. Another argument says that his promos are awful. Granted, when he tries to do the bad comedy, it is truly awful. But in recent years he’s cut back on those and delivered serious promos that are engaging

                Some have said that Cena has held people down in order to stay on top. The only way to know whether or not this is true would be to have been there, so I’ll chalk that up to the Internet making shit up.

                The final verdict for me is Let’s Go Cena, but with a condition. I don’t think he should be in the WWE world title picture. He’s won it enough and his being champion doesn’t bring anything new or exciting. Rather he should stay in the US title hunt. His open challenge has been one of the best parts of Raw and it delivered excellent matches. He also brings much needed prestige to a belt that hasn’t been important. Keep him working with the younger talent and he can always take the main event with the US title when need be.

Lego Jurassic World

Not Machine Compatible - 10G - Tried to use a hacker terminal as Alan Grant

Clever Goal - 10G - As a Velociraptor, scored a goal in the Jurassic World Petting Zoo

All I got was this T-Shirt - 20G - Created a custom character

Went and made a new dinosaur - 20G - Created a custom dinosaur

Family Reunion - 20G - Completed Eric Kirby

Pack Hunter - 10G - Set both free play characters as Raptors

Hello John - 10G - Set both free play characters as John Hammond

Is this how you make a dinosaur - 20G - Completed Breeding Facility

Do you think he saurus - 10G - Sneaked past a dinosaur using camouflage

We need more teeth -20G - Completed Main Street Showdown

Anybody want a soda? - 10G - As Dennis Nedry, threw a soda can at another character

The concept of attraction - 10G - Enabled attract studs Red brick

Building blocks of life - 10G - Built a LEGO object using Mr. DNA

Killer Instinct

Triple Trials - 10G - You have completed 3 trials

Stylish Orchid - 10G - You have unlocked a color for Orchid

Stylish Glacius - 10G - You have unlocked a color for Glacius

Sparring Jago - 5G - You have won a versus match as Jago

Graduation Day - 5G - You activated your first shadow

Stylish Thunder - 10G - You have unlocked a color for Thunder

Survival Jago - 5G - You have won a survival match as Jago

Stylish Jago - 10G - You have unlocked a color for Jago

Stylish Spinal - 10G - You have unlocked a color for Spinal

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