I finished up Splinter Cell Conviction and I've got to say it went pretty quickly. And ended abruptly. Can't say i'm big on the story, but then I've never really liked the story of any Splinter Cell game. It's funny how if the Splinter Cell and Metal Gear Solid series merged, you would have both good gameplay and story. Anyway, gameplay is more important then story so Splinter Cell wins.
In other gamerscore whoring, I've been working on Lego Indiana Jones. All that's left is less interesting, grinding achievements that are a little long but not too ridiculous.
Michigan Ave. Reservoir - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Michigan Ave. Reservoir" on any difficulty
Downtown District - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Downtown District" on any difficulty
White House - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "White House" on any difficultyThe last story based achievements of the game
Man of Conviction - 10G - Allow Tom Reed to live
Judge, Jury and Executioner - 10G - Take down Tom ReedTom Reed is a dick! Everything about him, from the way he talks to what he wears, screams out douchebag. At the end of the game, you get to choose whether or not you kill him. In the end, it doesn't really matter because if you don't shoot him, Grim does.
Gadgets Expert - 20G - Purchase both upgrades for all gadgets

We go for a ride - 20G - Perform 250 whip swings in the gameFind an Indy swing spot and press B, then B again, and again....
Throw me the idol - 20G - Perform 150 whip grabs in the game
Go to the bar in Raiders and keep grabing chairs and bottles till you get it
I can't believe what you did! - 20G - Disarm 100 enemies with the whip
Go to the last level and keep disarming respawning enemies. Rinse, repeat.
Blow it up! - 40G - Blow up 5 enemies with 1 explosionI tried this for a while and gave up, but then I went back another day and got it on the first try :S
Show a little backbone will ya? - 20G - Destroy 100 snakesGo to the well of souls and to the room where snakes fall out of a hole and keep respawning. Keep killing until you get this. Noticing a patern with all these achievements?
Total this post: 220 G
New Gamerscore: 44 935 G
To Go:5 065 G