I finished Dark Void and the last boss is.... a robotic dragon. Out of nowhere, we're assaulting this portal and a dragon shows up. No explanation of why, where it came, it's just there. So anyway, you fight this terminator dragon and he's pretty easy. Then you have this obvious ending you can see coming a mile away. I guess you could say the ending fits the game. An ok ending for an ok game. Nothing amazing and nothing horrible.
The next game I started is Splinter Cell Conviction. It's very different from the other Splinter Cell games, but it's still pretty good. I'll get more into it in a later post.
Defending the Ark - 15G - Complete Defending the Ark
The Collector - 15G - Complete The Collector
The Revolt - 15G - Complete The Revolt
Tower of Return - 30G - Complete Tower of Return
Dark Void - 100G - Complete Dark Void
Story related achievements
Cleanup on Aisle Three - 15G - Kill 100 enemies with headshotsThis took much long er then I anticipated.
Terminal Velocity - 15G - Free fall for 10 secondsAfter I finished the game I went to the Dragon level, flew up really high and just fell for a while.
Merchant's Str eet Market - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Merchant's Street Market" on any difficulty
Kobin's Mansion - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Kobin's Mansion" on any difficulty
Price Airfield - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Price Airfield" on any difficulty
Diwaniya, Iraq - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Diwaniya, Iraq" on any difficulty
Washington Monument - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Washington Monument" on any difficulty White Box Laboratories - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "White Box Laboratories" on any difficulty
Lincoln Memorial - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Lincoln Memorial" on any difficulty Revelations - 10G - Discover Anna Grimsdottir's dark secret
Third Echelon HQ - 20G - Complete Single Player Story "Third Echelon HQ" on any difficulty
You guessed it, story related achievements
Weapon Upgrade - 10G - Purchase all 3 upgrades for any 1 weapon
Gadget Upgrade - 10G - Purchase both upgrades for any 1 gadgetSplinter Cell Conviction comes with a nice system that rewards you for doing certain things, like kills from a ledge and such. You get points and you can use these to buy weapon and gadget upgrades. Cool stuff!
Variety - 10G - Purchase any 1 uniformStill haven't really checked out what the whole uniform thing is about yet.
Total this post: 405 G
New Gamerscore: 44 715 G
To Go: 5 285 G
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