Besides comparing the obvious, I started playing Bioshock 2 and I have a hard time putting it down. It's extremely addictive, which is weird because I just thought the first one was OK and this is more of the same. Regardless, it's working for me now and I should be happy about it.
Am I crazy? Look at them!
Sinclair's Solution - 20G - Joined forces with Sinclair in Ryan Amusements
As you can guess, these are story achievements
Distance Hacker - 5G - Used the Hack Tool to hack an object at a distance
A new feature in this game is distance hacking. You get a gun that shoots a spike that you can use to shoot devices and then you hack them with a color choosing mini-game. Guess it's better then the pipe dream thing they had in the first.

It won't take long to get this, don't worry.

You can upgrade weapons using stations. Good times!

You get to be a Big Daddy this game, which means you have to protect little sisters from ravenous splicers!

It's great to bash Andrew Ryan with a golf club, again!

Keep popping health kits during the fight and you'll be fine.
Remember taking pictures in the first game? Now you can film stuff.
Total this post: 120 G
New Gamerscore: 45 055 G
To Go: 4 945 G
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