We now have a new entry, the 15th, to the prestigious hall where only few games have entered: the 1000 point club. Joining that honor is Lego Indiana Jones. I'm glad to finally have a lego in this collection, it has been a long time coming. This summer I will attempt to also add Lego Batman and Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. I won't bother with Lego Rockband because it's not really a lego game, it's more like a Rockband game. I may consider doing Lego Star Wars II but I don't know. If I get the complete saga done there's no real point in the same game over again. On top of that once I get those two done I'll still have Lego Indiana Jones 2 and Lego Harry Potter to start so I have plenty of work cut out for me.

You call this archaeology? - 20G - Use a scholar character's academic ability 50 times
I was expecting the worse, like about half an hour of grinding. I do my first one and the achievement unlocks!
Start the engines, Jock! - 20G - Use a mechanic character's repair ability 50 times
Again, I had the worst expectations, but it only took 2 tries!
Trouble with her is the noise - 20G - Destroy 50 objects or characters using the scream and super scream abilityThis one on the other hand took a lot of tries. Luckily it was right at the begining of the level so all I really had to wait was the load time.
Total this post: 60 G
New Gamerscore: 45 605 G
To Go: 4 395 G
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