I am blogging away like a crazy person now. 3 updates within a week? Unheard of! I don't know how this happened, probably had a few extra moments in the week to write this up and play some games.
I've started actively playing Alone in the Dark, a little treasure I purchased for 4$. This game had great potential for things. It has clever ideas, a semi interesting story and things that just make it different then everything else. Too bad the controls are so shitty and unresponsive that you'll probably throw the controller out the window before you get to any of these momments. Moving the main character around is like moving a bus. What's worse is that there are actually platforming puzzles, which means you HAVE to deal with these problems.
So far I've only played two and a half levels. So I don't know how frustrating all of this crap will get once i'm at the harder levels.
QUESTIONS - 30G - Finish the episode without skipping any sequences
These two are story achievements. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: THEY REUSE THE SAME 5 TILES A MILLION TIMES!
Wired - 10G - Hotwire a car
Stealing cars has an interesting mechanic. You have to break the window and hotwire it with a little minigame.
Stealing cars has an interesting mechanic. You have to break the window and hotwire it with a little minigame.
Countdown to Death - 10G - Stop the wound from bleeding.
You have to heal your wounds to live in this game, no magic health regeneration
You have to heal your wounds to live in this game, no magic health regeneration

Doesnt' really make sense but hey, it's kind of cool.
The Molotov Cocktail - 5 G - Insert a wick into a bottle with flammable content.
This on the other hand makes more sense.
The Air Bomb - 5G - Throw a bottle filled with flammable liquid and shoot it mid-air
Throw the molotov cocktail and shoot it. Done!
Total this post: 105 G
New Gamerscore: 45 720 G
To Go: 4 280 G
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