I've gone on a bit of a game spending spree. There's been some good deals online for arcade games and I couldn't help myself. FarCry Classic, Assassin's Creed Liberation, Mortal Kombat Arcade and Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Edition. Lots of games, so little time. Only went through Mortal Kombat so far. Got a good amount of cheevos in that but god damn, it's tough to finish these games. They seem to think very easy means very hard. I just did a playthrough and was getting my ass my kicked by the first person in the ladder. Games really were tougher back then.
Metro Redux
Who goes there? - 10G - Wiped the Gas Mask 20 times
Battlefield Bad Company 2
It's bad for my karma man - 15G - Campaign: finish Heart of Darkness
Destruction - 15G - Campaign: destroy 100 objects
They got all our intel? - 15G - Campaign: finish Upriver
Mortal Kombat Arcade
PERFECT STRANGERS - 15G - Win a flawless victory in a ranked kombat
KONNECTED KILL - 10G - Win your 1st online 1v1
FINISH HIM! - 10G - Perform your first fatality
ARCADE KOMPETITOR - 25G - Finish Mortal Kombat
FLAWLESS X2 - 10G - Win your first double flawless victory against CPU
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