Monday, October 27, 2014

BJ Blazkowicz = John Cena?

Lots of random shit this week. Some Burnout Revenge, some Metro and even some Wolfenstein. Hell, I somehow got a Netfllix achievement also. Burnout isn't quite as great as I once remembered it to be but hey, it was 5$ and it's hard to feel bad about spending that much. I've paid more for worse meals that left a worse taste in my mouth. Metro is on and off. It can get really frustrating at some point and at others it's ok, it's never that great. Wolfenstein is the best of this weeks litter. Decent story for what it, graphics look great and the gameplay is fun. And as the title says, the main character looks like John Cena. Now enough talk, have to go shoot some Nazis.

Burnout Revenge

 Server Surfer! - 5G - Get stuck in! Awarded for competing in a Burnout Revenge event online!

Metro Redux 

Demolitionist - 10G - Blew up the tunnel and airlock at CURSED STATION

Sniper - 10G - Killed 30 human enemies with headshots.


Triple Play - 0G - Watch 3 episodes in a row on Netflix

Wolfenstein: The New Order

Gunner - 20G - Save allied planes

Throwback - 10G - Unlock demolition perk 1

Scout I - 10G - Unlock stealth perk 1

Knife Throwing - 10G - Unlock stealth perk 2

Wyatt saved - 30G - Choose to save Wyatt

Deadeye - 10G - Unlock tactical perk 1

Double Reload - 10G - Unlock assault perk 1

Scout II - 10G - Unlock stealth perk 7 

Quick regeneration - 10G - Unlock tactical perk 3

Knife sheath + -10G - Unlock stealth perk 3

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