Monday, October 19, 2015

Random Night Ramblings - October 19 2015 - The hell am I doing?

           I keep making these rules, but then I keep breaking them. Why do I do this? I keep hoping to get something going with this website, but if I keep screwing it up, no one will ever come back. So consider this the beginning of the new Marc. I’m already one review behind, so I need to get cracking on that. And Wednesday Night Ramblings will be back next week, I don’t care. Meanwhile, below check out all the achievements I’ve gained in the last month. It’s a shitload, maybe that means I should play less videogames and work on some other stuff. Time for laziness is over, time for greatness is ahead!!!

The Incredible Hulk

The Eyes Have It - 10G - Destroyed an Enclave Kyklops for the first time

A Leader In His Field - 10G - Enlisted Samuel Sterns in the search for a cure to Banner's condition

Smash-fist - 10G - Won a story mission without defeating any enemies

Where is my KABOOM? - 10G - Saved New York from the Enclave Chemical Bomb

Pure as New York Snow - 10G - The streets of New York are no longer contaminated... by the Enclave at least

Let's do Lunch! - 10G - Defeated 10 enemies by throwing inedible foodstuffs

Apprentice of Disaster - 25G - Destroyed a building in each New York city neighborhood

Pickin up the Pieces - 20G - Smashed 10,000 things

Stay Classy... - 20G - Exposed Major Talbot on television

Enemy of the Empire State - 50G - Found all the landmark souvenirs in New York city

Mad Dash - 10G - Sprinted a total distance of at least 26.2 miles (138,435 ft)

Around the World in 80 Steps - 5G - Crossed the tops of the Flagpoles outside the U.N. Building

Unleash the Fury! - 5G - Got the Enclave off your back

Sightseeing - 5G - Climbed to the top of the five tallest building in New York City

Over the Edge - 10G - Defeated 5 enemies by knocking them off a high building and letting them fall to their doom

Two Heads Aren't Better Than One - 15G - Added Bi-Beast to the Hulk's list of defeated enemies

Better, Stronger, Faster - 15G - Hulk received a power boost from Samuel Sterns

That'll Leave a Mark -10G - Stuck 25 auto-wrecks to buildings

What Goes Up... - 20G - Destroyed the Enclave's Lightning satelite

 Love Hurts - 20G - The things we'll do for love...

Alia Iacta Est - 25G - Protected General Ross's team while they attacked the Enclave base

The Enemy of My Enemy - 25G - Defeated Enclave's F-Pod... with a little help

Shell-Head - 10G - At last you are invincible

... And thanks for stopping by -25G - Dishonably discharged Major Talbot

Ewww... Gross - 10G - The cure developped by Samuel Sterns has been tested

Abominable! - 50G - Hulk has defeated the Abomination!

World War Hulk - 25G - Survived at least 60 seconds at Threat Level 9

Hulk SMASH!!! - 15G - Defeated at least 1 enemy with each class of attack

Thrill-illionaire - 25G - Scored 1,000,000 points while the Strike Teams were active

Now Playing - 10G - Scored 6,132,008 points

Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag

Heroes Aren't Born - 10G - Complete memory sequence 1

Excavator - 10G - Find a buried treasure

Hungover - 10G - Wake up in a haystack

Good While it Lasted - 10G - Complete memory sequence 2

Owned - 10G - Complete every activity in a single location

All Aboard! - 30G - Board a ship without losing any crew members

Employee of the Month - 30G - Complete 25 Abstergo challenges

Lego Batman 2

Test Hero - 20G - Test a custom character

Gorilla Thriller - 20G - Climb to the top of Wayne tower while riding a Gorilla and playing as a female character

Subway Hero - 20G - Use the Gotham City Metro

Toy Gotham - 20G - Complete the Bonus Level 

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