So here’s the situation, I have way too many games. Like it’s
ridiculous. On top of that with everything from games with gold and EA Access,
my library has gotten fairly huge. Having such a big backlog bothers me. I want
to play everything, but there are just not enough hours in the day. In order to
help rectify some of this, I’ve decided to attempt what I call the Ultimate
won’t be as epic as Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warriors encounter at WrestleMania
VI, but I’ll try. The goal will be to get to get to 100 000 gamerscore without
spending any money whatsoever. It will be tough, but not impossible. Time to
complete some stuff!!!
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Time to Remeber - 10G - Recovered 11 COG tags
My Love for you is Like a Truck - 20G - Killed the Berserker in the Tomb of the Unknown
Domination - 20G - Completed 10 different chapters in co-op
No More Favors - 20G - Made a deal with Franklin
Lights, Action! - 20G - Used the spotlight as protection from the Kryll
Taking Laverne for a Ride - 20G - Got the Junker at Chap's gas station
The Biggest E-Hole - 20G - Defended Stranded Settlement and headed to Lethia Imulsion Factory
Smell Good Too... - 20G - Reunited with Baird and Cole inside the Imulsion factory
G-Reader - 10G - Read one full comic
Go Time, Show Time - 20G - Delta descended into the mines
Honor Bound - 20G - Recovered 22 COG tags
Broken Fingers - 20G - Killed a Corpser
Killer Acoustics - 20G - Deployed the Sonic Resonator
Raven Down - 20G - Delta found downed chopper
Fry Up with a Side of Greens - 20G - Killed a Berserker in the Conservatory
Know Place Like Home - 20G - Discovered Adam's secret lab
YEAAHHHH - 20G - Escaped the Brumak (end of Ch.6)
Power Up - 20G - Restored power to the bridge
Marcus? Is That You? - 20G - Restored communications with Control
Shock Therapy - 20G - Killed the Brumak
All Aboard! Uh we're aboard - 20G - Boarded the Imulsion bound train with the Lightmass Bomb
For the Fallen - 30G - Recovered 33 COG tags
Classic Mercenary - 50G - Completed all acts on Normal difficulty
A Dish Best Served Cold - 20G - Defeated General RAAM
I Can't Quit you Dom - 30G - Completed all acts in co-op
Mercenary - 50G - Completed all acts on Casual difficulty
Lego Lord of the Rings
I'm glad to be with you - 10G - Complete a level in co-oop
It's a dangerous business... - 25G - Complete "The Black Rider"
Safe is where i'll keep you - 25G - Complete "Track Hobbits"
Stinking Creatures - 25G - Complete "Warg Attack"

The battle is about to begin - 25G - Complete "Helm's Deep"
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