Sunday, February 23, 2014

Movie Reviews #3 - Hellraiser III : Hell on Earth (1992)

Plot: (from An investigative reporter must send the newly unbound Pinhead and his legions back to Hell.

Review: With part 3 the Hellraiser series has gone in a different direction. Gone is Kristy and in comes a reporter who has stumbled onto the Lambent box and the evils that it brings about. The story is more straightforward and streamlined: Pinhead is trying to get on earth. This is what you would think Pinhead should have been trying to do from the beginning. We also get a look into his origins, which makes things much clearer. Although it was a little hokey to have his good and evil versions split and fighting each other.

    The change of setting to New York City is an exciting one. There is a lot more carnage to be unleashed on the big city. Unfortunately the finale in the streets felt quite empty, where was everyone, it`s freaking New York.

    The story is silly at times but myself I dug it. There is no need to make it overly elaborate, it`s just Pinhead. It takes a while before Pinhead is set loose but once he, things get crazy. He kills EVERYONE in a club just to start off. A lot of creative deaths here, appreciated it a lot. The Cenobites he creates though are very dated for the date and ridiculous. One of them throws CDs, another ones has a rocket camera eye and probably the silliest of all was the bartender who makes explosive cocktails. Its completely ridiculous but since I've never taken the series that seriously it didn't bother me. I was just happy they decided to go all out crazy with this instead of holding back.

    I had a good time with Hellraiser 3. It`s dumb but it goes with what it is and if you don`t have too much attachment to the first 2 you can appreciate it. If you are a series purist though you will most likely hate it.

Score : 7/10

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