Monday, February 1, 2016

Movie Reviews #44 - Street Fighter (1994)

Plot: Colonel Guile and his crew must stop the evil dictator M Bison and his plot to ransom hostages for 20 Billion $.

Review: This movie does a lot of things badly. It is not a good adaptation of the videogame. It throws out way too many characters. The fight scenes are not very good, the acting even worse. Van Damme as an American colonel is so preposterous it’s hilarious. But there is one thing that is so excellent that it boosts the movie up several points; Raul Julia. His rendition of M Bison is over the top to the point where only an actor of his quality could pull it off. He is trying so hard to be so bad. You can see that none of this is by accident. His character is batshit crazy to the point that he actually believes all his non sense. Actually, there is a scene where he gives a speech about how he needs to conquer the people out of love, and I believed him! Another scene Chun Li is saying how he ruined her whole life as a child and he remembers none of it because to him, it was just another Tuesday. It’s a shame Julia passed away not long after this film, it would have been great to see him in a sequel (although even if he lived it’s still doubtful it would have happened). The movie is worth seeing just for his performance.

Score: 5/10

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