Sunday, November 9, 2014

Advanced Warfare!!!

Possibly the biggest game of the year, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, has come out. It's a Call of Duty game so you know what you're going to get. Not very much different here, but is that necessarily a bad thing? You don't play Call of Duty to get a new experience, you play because you enjoy it  and it's familiar. They give achievements, they're fun so what more should I ask for. Not quite done yet, but I'm thinking of trying out for the full 1000 gamerscore. We'll see what happens with all the season pass stuff, hopefully it won't be too shitty. Once I had my fill of Advanced Warfare I took a break and went back to Wolfenstein. You can't play that game too long because it gets frustrating but I'm getting close to the end so I'll finish the story, clean up the achievements I can get and then I'll be sending it back.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Seoul Mates - 25G - Complete "Induction"

Advanced Soldier - 5G - Spend your first exo upgrade point

Threat Detected - 15G - Paint 10 enemies with a single threat grenade

Genius - 10G - Kill 4 enemies with a single smart grenade

Welcome to Atlas - 25G - Complete "Atlas"

Life in the Fast Lane - 25G - Complete "Traffic"

Fire and Forget - 10G - Kill 10 enemies with the Mobile Turret Missiles in "Fission"

Radioactive - 20G - Complete "Fission"

Carma - 10G - Kill an enemy by throwing a car door at them

Motor City - 25G - Complete "Aftermath"

Second Skin - 10G - Spend 10 exo upgrade points 

Fly Swatter - 15G - Knock 25 drones out of the sky with EMP grenades

Born to Die - 20G - Complete "Manhunt"

Betrayal - 30G - Complete "Utopia"

Crates on a Plane - 30G - Complete "Sentinel"

Wolfenstein : The New Order

Endurance I - 10G - Unlock assault perk 2

Hidden in the deep - 20G - Locate the underwater stash

Scavenger - 10G - Unlock assault perk 3

Knife Sheath ++ - 10G - Unlock stealth perk 4 

Vampire - 10G - Unlock stealth perk 6 

Quick Reload - 30G - Unlock tactical perk 8

Volgar the Viking

Let Off Some Steam, Bennett - 50G - Kill 4 enemies with a single charged spear attack

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