Saturday, August 22, 2015

TV Reviews #10 - The Shield Season 1 (2002)

            There have been many cop shows in the past, but The Shield did something different. Instead of being a crime of the week show, it focused more on a continuing storyline. It explored the underbelly of the city to show what is happening on the street level. It also has a protagonist, Vic Mackey, who is not a clean cut hero, he is very corrupt and borders more on villain then hero.

            The season itself starts slowly in the first half and I myself was not staying all that interested past the shocker of a first episode. But about half through, things started to pick up. Everyone’s story became more defined and the stakes went up considerably. But most of all its Michael Chiklis who keeps the show together. His character makes you go from hating to liking him back in forth so many times you don’t know where to stand on it. He is a master at manipulating the shades of grey as he can be both a scumbag dirty cop and a considerate family man. The supporting players also do a good job themselves. They show that the police force is multifaceted and each level has its challenges.

            The first ending successfully in that it left me wanting more. I’ve seen that there are some famous guest stars that appear in future seasons, I am curious to see where this goes. 

Score: 7.5/10

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