Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Complete Asylum #7 - Age of Tomorrow (2014)


Mankind must fight to survive as Earth is invaded by hostile UFOs bent on destroying the planet. As the epic battle wages on, astronauts sneak aboard the mothership where they discover a portal to the aliens' home world. They manage to alert Earth before they are brutally murdered. Left with no other choice, Earth sends an elite military team of science and combat specialists through the portal where they attempt to stop the invasion from the inside out. But is the battle already lost for humanity?


 This week we’re going into the more sci-fi direction with the Asylum. This movie has a couple of people who have actually starred in something relevant; Robert Picardo and Kelly Hu. Right away you can tell that they are real actors compared to anyone else they share scenes with. They are able to convey different emotions and make things sound interesting, something 95% of the rest of the cast can’t do. Most of the extra soldiers walking around don’t look like they’re in a battle, they look like they are bored. 

The plot is a ripoff of a whole bunch of movies, but we’ll get into the specifics of that later. It somewhat works most of the time. We get multiple perspectives so it makes the alien invasion feel bigger then if it were just one person we were following. The aliens themselves have 2 different shapes. One’s a flying orb that shoots laser or teleportation beams, depending on how important of a character you are. The other are humanoid creatures, really just a guy in a suit. The guy in a suit is not fantastic, they never really zoom in on them either. I think they have this weird open mouth with teeth. You see it sometimes but not always. 

Overall this movie is not high on the Asylum standard. It’s not so ridiculous it’s fun and you never really care about the terrible actors. The CGI is getting a lot better so I will give them that.

Worst Scene 

At one point the firefighter is being chased by an orb in an office building. He sets a trap by connecting his phone to a fire extinguisher and calls it. The orb gets attracted to it, then a text comes up saying “SCREW YOU” and the whole thing blows up, killing the orb.

Lawsuit Potential?

            There is a lot to sue here. This movie is supposed to be a ripoff of Edge of Tomorrow, but that seems to be the only movie they don’t steal from. We’ve got lines from Terminator spoken verbatim and Robert Picardo tries to replicate the Bill Pullman speech from Independence Day and fails miserably. The big studio lawyers could probably find a lot of things to make money off in this movie.

Score: 4.5/10

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