Saturday, February 27, 2010

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

I said it before and I'll say it again, I love these lego games. They're just so creative with the way they use the characters. You get a whole bunch of abilities and tons of unlockables. I'm telling you, try one of these out and you'll love it. I'm getting pretty deep into Lego Batman. Unfortunately, the save is on my girlfriend's profile and only she gets all the story related achievements :( But I'll go back and do them all again eventually. Not like it's much of a problem since it's so fun.

Atomic Backbreaker - 20G - As Bane do the Backbreaker on Batman.
How fitting that this is a game achievement, since breaking Batman's back was also Bane's greatest achievement in the comics as well.

Eat floor... High fiber - 15G - Slam 20 goons into the floor with Batman
A great line from Batman Returns.

Smash Gordon - 20G - Defeat Commisioner Gordon with Harley Quinn's Hammer
Harley's got a big hammer, great for bashing in heads!!

Natural Habitat - 10G - Smash all street lights in Episode 1 Chapter 1
This one's kind of glitchy. I got it on the first try but my girlfriend couldn't get until she tried it story mode. Weird :S

Who needs curiosity? - 20G - Defeat Catwoman 9 times
Beat up Catwoman like she owes you money!

Boy Wonder - 10G - Perform 20 backflips in a row with Robin
Robin actually looks less gay in Lego form.

Start of something wonderful - 15G - Shock the Joker with the Joker
Remember that scene from Batman when the Joker shocks that dude and he catches on fire? It was pretty awesome!

0000001 00000011 - 20G - Build the giant LEGO Robot
This robot is pretty kick ass!

There and back - 10G - Destroy 10 objects in one Batarang throw
The batarang seems to have magical powers in this game since it can change direction mid flight.
Say hello to my little friends - 15G - Destroy 20 policemen with penguin bombers
I think Burgess Merideth played the best Penguin, sorry Danny Devito.

Down the rabbit hole - 20G -Use Mad Hatter's mind control to walk 5 enemies to their deaths
He doesn't look that bad here, but the Mad Hatter is one really creepy looking guy.
Total this post: 175 G
New Gamerscore: 42 655 G
To go: 7 345 G

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